What Are the Remedies for Negligence? Personal Injury Cases in Adelaide

Jan 12, 2024

Negligence claims are governed under the Civil Liability Act 2002. The harmed party must provide proof of a few specified items to file a negligence lawsuit. They are causality, breach, and duty of care. If the plaintiff successfully establishes these three requirements, damages will be discussed in the last section of the negligence claim by injury lawyer Adelaide. Let's examine each of these components in more detail.

What is Negligence?

In Australian commonwealth law, someone is considered negligent if their recklessness or carelessness harms another person. Here, individual rights are protected by civil law, also referred to as tort law. It enables people to seek compensation through the legal system for losses or injuries. Negligence is a branch of tort law that considers how an action or inaction by a party may affect other parties. A negligent activity can have two possible outcomes: an action or inaction. A negligence claim may be made by someone who has been hurt or wounded and believes that the circumstances leading up to the injury belong to another individual or group.

Aspects of Negligence

Four main elements must be proven to ascertain if a party has been negligent. These elements include:

What is Duty of Care?

The obligation to use reasonable care is known as a duty of care. There is sometimes a duty of care, and when it occurs, the parties' relationship usually determines how big the duty is. The list of relationships is not all-inclusive, and each situation is evaluated individually to see whether a duty of care is owed. Generally speaking, a duty of care entails taking precautions to avoid hurting other people through your actions. Initially, it is the plaintiff's burden of proof to prove that there was a duty of care between them and the negligent party.

Owing Duty of Care

A person who owes someone a duty of care is obligated to take reasonable precautions to protect that other person from harm. Put another way, defendants cannot be considered negligent unless they owe the plaintiff a duty of care. Negligence only occurs when one person owes another a duty of care.

Violating Duty of Care

The standard of the duty of care that was owed becomes relevant once it is shown that one party did owe another party a duty of care. Put differently, what precise actions or inactions were required by the duty of care? The exact circumstances of each case and the nature of the relationship in question will determine the level to which a responsibility is owed. Generally speaking, one should expect the same level of care from an average, decent person. The court will consider what an average, reasonable person in the defendant's shoes would have done to determine the precise behaviour that meets that requirement.

Professional Negligence

When there are claims of professional negligence, this standard is greater. In certain situations, one party owes another a duty because of their training and experience in their respective fields. In comparison to the average person, doctors have an exceptionally high duty of care to their patients. A person has violated their duty of care if they have not upheld the standard of conduct by acting in a way that would be anticipated by a reasonable person or a relevant professional of equal standing.

Who Owes Duty of Care?

Personal injury lawyers Perth acknowledge a variety of interactions that inherently entail a duty of care. However, the list is not all-inclusive because the legislation is always changing. Among the relationships that are already acknowledged are:


Placing the harmed party in the same situation they would have been in had the damage not occurred is the aim of the courts when issuing an order to rectify negligence. Additional damages for medical costs and lost wages may be given in circumstances where negligence results in personal injury. Get assistance whether you seek guidance on a possible negligence claim or if someone has wronged you. Make an appointment for a consultation right now to avail the benefits of injury lawyer